Premiere of FAUST II – The Rock Opera on the Brocken. Many professionals consider Goethe’s FAUST II to be the “Crown of World Literature”. The Rock Opera is the only staging of the theatrical work as an opera, and that’s within 200 years since its publication. This opera is performed on the Brocken only and, therefore, is a very special cultural event.
Regular performances of ″FAUST″ in Auerbachs Keller in Leipzig. This location is one of the best known places in Germany. There is a myth of the historical Faust older than 500 years. It says that Faust and Mephisto did leave the restaurant by flying on a wine barrel. The flight on the barrel is actually performed within the show. This has never happened before. This is a TV report of the mdr.
Rental of production and transfer of performance rights of FAUST I + II to Manthey Event GmbH.
Publication of the book “International Faust Studies (Adaption, Reception, Translation)” edited by Lorna Fitzsimmons. It contains the article “They Sold Their Soul for Rock’n’Roll: Faustian Rock Musicals” by Paul M. Malone.
Film adaptation of “Hamlet in Rock” in English with original texts by Shakespeare. On YouTube there is a version with subtitles. This is the cover of the DVD. The film was shown in 2012 at the Alamo Drafthouse Cinema.
Film adaptation of “FAUST I – The Rock Opera” in a film studio in Munich. The DVD is available in stores. There is a version in German language with English subtitles on YouTube. In addition, there is a documentary about “Making of”.
World premiere of HAMLET in Rock in German language on 2 September in Schlieben. The original title “Hamlet in Space” was modified shortly after, since it has already been used by other productions.
Premiere of FAUST I – Die Rockoper on the Brocken produced and staged by the author. After 9 years with occasional performances, the ideal venue was finally found, the “mystical mountain of the Walpurgis Night”. Since then, Since then, Faust is performed more than 30 times each year at this location. The spectators travel to and from the Brocken by the antique steam train of the Harzer Schmalspurbahnen.