Big performance of “FAUST – The Rock Opera” in the Donauhalle Ulm on December 12th. The hall was completely filled by 2400 students. The event was organized by the Children and Youth Office of the City of Ulm and Aktion 100.000. There is a press report by the SWP and a TV report by the SWR.
The 250th birthday of Goethe was celebrated on the 28th of August. That’s why the City of Munich organized a performance of FAUST in the Theatron of the Olympic Park. This was the largest performance with sunny weather and more than 3000 spectators.
First premiere of “FAUST – The Rock Opera” in Ulm. The first CD was published simultaniously. The author considers the two years of productions to be the most creative part of his life. It has never happened before that a classic literary work was transformed into a rock opera by using only original words.
Compilation of songs that are lyrically or culturally related to the city of Ulm. These songs were published on the CD “In Ulm um Ulm um Ulm rum“.
These are the most important titles on Youtube.
Acting in the play ″Opinions of a Clown″ by Heinrich Böll. The ″Theater in der Westentasche″ was in charge of this play. Performances were done in the ″Prinzregenten Theatre″ in Munich and at the ″Acco Festival″ in Israel.
Acting as the character ″Pablo″ in the play Steppenwolf by Hermann Hesse. The ″Theater in der Westentasche″ was in charge of this play. The idea of ″FAUST as a rock opera″ was created out of that production. The play ″Steppenwolf″ is based on ″FAUST″. The characters Faust/Steppenwolf, Mephisto/Pablo and Grete/Hermine have similar attitudes within the different play. The ″witch scene″ and the ″Walpurgis-Night ″ correspond to the ″magical theatre″.